Ten Months Old! How is time going by sooo fast? I just look at her and wonder where these last ten months have gone. Everyday, she learns a new 'trick' and watching her learn and grow is such a trip!
Stats: There is no doubt she continues to grow (obvi!) I don't know her actual weight, but she is definitely over the 20 pound mark, without a doubt! She is also in 12-18 month clothes now, and size 4 shoes. She is super tall, and has really long fingers (future piano player or basketball player, maybe?!)
Sleep: Still a little angel (knock on wood) when it comes to sleeping at night. She is in bed, every night, by 7 pm, and wakes up between 6:15 am-6:45 am. Whatever you do, don't try and push bedtime past 7 pm. She will make your life hell. She is very clear on letting us know when it is 'that time' and Lee and I rush home like crazy people to try and make our 7pm deadline, before baby flips the bitchy baby switch! I am not complaining, but I sure do miss sleeping in... I don't think I have slept past 7 am since Ledoux arrived... sigh. She continues to not nap much during the day, sometimes she will take a nap, around lunch time, for about an hour, and a couple random cat naps in the car. Other than that, this baby is go-go-go.
Eating: This is one of my sweet little piggy's favorite things to do. Ledoux is officially eating big girl food, all by herself! Lee is still terrified to see her eat actual food (he worries she will choke) but I am getting more used to the idea. Her favorites are bananas and string cheese. This little monkey will down an entire banana is less than 5 minutes (true story, I timed it this morning at breakfast!) She pretty much eats whatever we eat, as long as we cut it up into small pieces. She also had shredded chicken and really liked it! Mostly, she eats fresh fruits though. She still has the normal baby food, but everyday starts to hate it more and more... she would much rather feed herself. We are down to about 3-4 6 oz bottles, but most of the time she doesn't finish the whole thing.
Health: Nothing in the last month! She has been healthy, happy, and beyond active. I am exhausted just thinking about it, hah!
Milestones: She now says "mama" and "dada" all the time. She also stands up, crawls, and pulls her body up on to everything (chairs, baskets, ottomans, etc.) Ledoux can also stand, unassisted, for a few seconds at a time! She took her first half step last week (ahhhhhh!) so I am certain we will have a walking baby in the next couple weeks. She LOVES to walk, and if we hold her hand, she will walk all throughout the house. Over. And over. And over. We also bought her a walker, and it is hilarious to watch her walk and push it around the house. It is her (and our) favorite evening activity. If I take her away from it, she screams. New fave toy!
Likes: As mentioned above, she LOVES her walker. She cruises throughout the house with this thing, non stop. She also has started a new game at dinner, and as soon as the spoon gets close to her mouth, she takes her hands and claps (so that the spoon is between her two hands) and food goes flying everywhere. Of course, she laughs hysterically. She also loves playing peek a boo, and hide and go seek (I hide, and yell "where's my baby?!") and she will come crawling looking for me- and then I jump out and scream "baby!" It spooks her every time, and she loves it!
Dislikes: She has stranger danger, especially older men . The minute she sees one, she cries. So odd!
How are mommy and daddy? We are doing great! Lee is rocking it at work, but working a lot of long hours lately. Boo! Good thing he gets paid a lot of overtime! :) I just got a new career working at the United Way, and start in a couple of weeks. Bittersweet, because I have really enjoyed working from home and the flexibility to spend time with my little darling, but I have to go back to the 'real world' sooner or later! We have what seems like a million baby showers coming up over the next 6 weeks, with 6 new babies getting ready to arrive before the end of August! Holy canoli! My head is spinning, but I am so excited for all of our friends to meet their sweet littles! Such an exciting time (and even more exciting? I have almost made it through my first year of parenthood!)
I am looking forward to Lee's first father's day this weekend...planning is in progress as we speak! :)
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